The Urban Development Institute (UDI Manitoba) has been the voice of the land development industry in the Province of Manitoba since 1962.

Today, the Urban Development Institute (UDI) is a non-profit association representing the professional development industry and associated businesses and organizations across Manitoba’s capital region.

UDI Manitoba members are dedicated to promoting:

  • Well-planned communities by encouraging the reasonable and unselfish use of land for residential, public, commercial and industrial purposes;
  • Efficiency and a high standard of ethics among persons, firms and corporations engaged in the business of land assembly and development;
  • An evidence-based approach to planning and development, and the sharing of pivotal information and data that will benefit stakeholders involved in the process; and
  • Collaborative and positive working relationships between individuals, firms and corporations and municipal, planning and other governmental authorities and agencies.

UDI Work & Successes

Renewed Development Agreement Parameters approved by City of Winnipeg
On May 30, 2023, Winnipeg City Council adopted the renewed Development Agreement Parameters (DAPs).  The renewed DAPs were a result of 15 month process involving over 60 facilitated meetings between UDI members and City of Winnipeg administration from multiple city departments.  The goals of this successful process were to update and simplify the Development Agreement Parameters, create a clearer distinction between the DAPs and Standards, and better align the DAPs with OurWinnipeg and Complete Communities 2.0.  The adoption by council also included adopting an annual review of the DAPs so that both industry and the City can review and address any items within the DAPs on an ongoing basis.

Regional Planning for the Winnipeg Metro Region
UDI continues to be an active stakeholder with the province regarding moving forward on implementing a new Capital Planning Region for the WMR.  Former Manitoba Home Builders’ Association President Michael Moore has been appointed chair of the new Capital Planning Region board by the Manitoba government.

City of Winnipeg’s Land Development Industry Advisory Group
UDI and senior city administration continue to meet regularly as the Land Development Industry Advisory Group to discuss issues impacting Winnipeg’s land development industry.

City of Winnipeg Development Permits
UDI and MHBA representatives continue to meet with City of Winnipeg officials to improve both intake and approval timeframes for development permits.  Since November 2022, we have worked closely the public administration to identify and help resolve development permit application issues to help improve timelines for approvals and to clarify and streamline the application process.

City of Winnipeg Initiatives
In 2023, UDI has provided feedback to the city administration on a significant number of initiatives, including:

  • Standard road construction specification review and proposed changes,
  • Engineering service requirements for developer road projects,
  • Development Acceptance Manual for Pavements/ Warranties,
  • The desire for Public Works to double the time of road warranty coverage,
  • Winnipeg’s Master Transportation plan,
  • Winnipeg’s Park development processes and guidelines,
  • Professional consulting services for the development of land drainage servicing,
  • Winnipeg’s Master Greenspace & Natural Corridors plan,
  • Winnipeg’s strategic infrastructure plan development,
  • the City’s 2023 budget,
  • CentrePlan 2050

Manitoba Hydro’s Customer Journey Optimization
UDI and Manitoba Hydro officials have been working to improve service timelines and access to application status updates. In March, Manitoba Hydro launched its new subdivision status dashboard.


UDI’s Board of Directors meets a minimum of 4 times annually, including the AGM. The Board and elected Executive serve 2-year terms.

2023 – 2024 Board of Directors:

  • Mike Carruthers, President – Ladco Company Limited
  • David Boles, Past President – Genstar Development Company
  • Lanny McInnes, Managing Director – Manitoba Home Builders’ Association
  • Tim Comack, Director – Ventura Land Company
  • Les McLaughlin, Director – Pollock & Wright
  • Real Pelletier, Director – Terracon Development Ltd.
  • Susan Russell, Director – McGowan Russell Group Inc.
  • Paul Sunderland, Director – Stantec Consulting Ltd.
  • Richard Tebinka, Director – WSP Canada Inc.
  • Bryan Ward – Qualico Developments (Winnipeg) Ltd.